MOLIBDENO SPECIAL is a liquid fertilizer especially studied to cure molybdenum deficiencies. MOLIBDENO SPECIAL compound is easily and quickly absorbed by leaves of plants; besides it can be easily absorbed by roots of plants. The symptomatology of molybdenum deficiency is: leaf light chlorosis, not extension of the leaf surface, weak development and poor production, pale and smaller leaves and poor flowering. The first symptoms appear on the older base-leaves, the leaves can crumple themselves and become necrotic. The more sensitive species to molybdenum deficiency are: cruciferous, cucurbitaceous, legumes and some floricultural (poinsettia, rose, orchid).


Molybdenum (Mo) water soluble 4,4%

Tips for storage: For proper preservation of the product, keep it at a temperature between 4 and 28 degrees centigrade.

Package: Kg 1
Formulation: liquid solution

Doses and instructions for use

 Leaf application  Dose per hl of water Dose per hectar

Viticulture and fruit growing

g 80-100

kg 1


g 25-30

g 300


g 30-40

g 400-500

Pea and bean

g 40-50

g 500


g 35-40

g 400-500

Soy bean

g 50-60

g 500

Industrial crops

g 40-50

g 500

MOLIBDENO SPECIAL must be applied on plants at first evident symptoms of molybdenum deficiency. MOLIBDENO SPECIAL should be dissolved in the water at the indicated dosage. Carry out 1-3 applications at 10-15 day intervals according to crops needs.

in covered environments i.e. green houses the dose of MOLIBDENO SPECIAL must not exceed 30 g/hl of water. Leaf application should be carried out during the coolest hours of the day.
MOLIBDENO SPECIAL can be mixed, according to recommended dosage, with Tiller products and with antiparasitics in general, except for white oil, dodine and fosetyl aluminium (however, in any case, testing should always be carried out before use).
MOLIBDENO SPECIAL must be dissolved in the irrigation water by a dose og 6-10 Kg per hectar, according to crops needs.