Foliar application | Dose per hl of water | Dose per hectar |
Fruiting plants and actinidia |
g 100-150
kg 1,5-2
Citrus |
g 120-180
kg 2-2,5
Vine |
g 120-150
kg 2
Horticultural and Floricultural |
g 80-100
kg 1
Strawberry |
g 80-120
kg 1
Nursery and lawns |
g 80-150
kg 1-1,5
Industrial, arboreal and cereal crops |
g 180-200
kg 1,5-2
FERIUS 6000 is an iron-based fertilizer of liquid solution especially designed to cure iron chlorosis. Its special formulation allows a quick iron absorption by plants. Chelate molecule DTPA added to vehicles and penetrators makes FERRIUS 6000 a unique formulate thanks to its readiness for action and its prolonged antichlorotic effect on plants of treated leaves. FERRIUS 6000 is a product designed to be absorbed through leaves, but its action can also be through the roots of plants, provided that the pH value of the soil does not exceed 7.
Composition: Iron (Fe) water soluble 6% Chelate Iron (Fe) 6% DTPA chelated Iron (Fe) 6% Chelate agent: DTPA
Tips for storage: For proper preservation of the product, keep it at a temperature between 1 and 27 degrees centigrade.

Package: Kg 1
Formulation: Liquid solution

Doses and instructions for use
WARNINGS: in covered environments i.e. green houses the dose of FERIUS 6000 must not exceed 60 g/hl of water. Leaf application should be carried out during the coolest hours of the day.
COMPATIBILITY: FERIUS 6000 can be mixed according to recommended dosage, with Tiller products and with antiparasitics in general, except for white oil and dodine (however, in any case, testing should always be carried out before use.
OTHER INFORMATION:The lowest suggested dosage referred to preventive treatment, or to cases of slight chlorosis, whereas the highest doses refer to cases of very evident chlorosis. FERIUS 6000 must be dissolved in the water at the indicated dosage. Carry out 3-5 applications at 8-12 day intervals according to crops needs.