BUTTERSTOP is a liquid calcium-based fertilizer especially formulated to prevent apple bitter pit, a physiopathy that causes serious qualitative problems. Calcium is an element which has difficulty moving around inside soil and plants, for this reason it must be applied to leaves of plants which show calcium deficiency symptoms.


Calcium oxide (CaO) water soluble 15%

Tips for storage: For proper preservation of the product, keep it at a temperature between 4 and 35 degrees centigrade.

Package: kg 25
Formulation: Liquid solution

Doses and instructions for use

 Leaf fertilization  dose per hl of water Dose per hectar
Apple tree (apple bitter pit)
We advise to make almost 5 treatments every 12-15 days, beginning 10 – 15 days after flowering
g 700-1000

kg 7-8

Tomato rot
Begin at the setting of fruits of the first branch, repeating every 10-15 days
g 400-500

kg 3,5-4

On crops with calcium deficiency symptoms use BUTTERSTOP with a dosage of 200-250 g per hl water.

in covered environments i.e. green houses the dose of BUTTERSTOP must not exceed 300 g/hl of water. Leaf application should be carried out during the coolest hours of the day
Calcium is an element which has difficulty moving around inside plants. BUTTERSTOP is recommended not to be used in association with antiparasitics in general: it will reduce the efficiency of the product. We advise to mix BUTTERSTOP with foliar vehicle fertilizers (such as Alga Tiller, Algapiù, Algapiù Bio, Alga M.A. 800, Speedamin, Superstim, Poliamin, Aminofruit, Algaspeed, Prolina Tiller, Brad 10 E.V. or Foliastop L, in case of apple leaf drop treatments).